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In the mundane routines of life, it’s easy to miss the extraordinary leadings of God. The story of Saul in 1 Samuel 9–10 vividly shows how God works through the ordinary incidents of our lives. Saul and one of his father's servants set out on a simple errand—to find his father’s lost donkeys. He didn’t realize that this seemingly insignificant task would change the trajectory of his life and his nation.

There was no indication that Saul aspired to greatness or leadership. The Bible describes him as a handsome man, taller than his peers, but there is no mention of him having any particular ambition or qualities that would mark him as a future king (1 Samuel 9:2).

What appeared to be an ordinary errand was, in fact, a carefully crafted step in God’s sovereign plan.

Saul and his assistant unsuccessfully searched the hills and valleys of Ephraim and Zuph for several days. As they were about to return home, his assistant suggested they consult with the prophet Samuel. Saul wasn't familiar with the prophet but decided to play along. Unknown to him, Samuel had already been instructed by God that Saul would arrive and that he would anoint him as the first king of Israel (1 Samuel 9:15-17). What appeared to be an ordinary errand was, in fact, a carefully crafted step in God’s sovereign plan.

This story reminds us that no moment in our lives is insignificant when placed in God’s hands. Whether it’s a routine task, an unexpected detour, or a chance encounter, God can use the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. The story of Abraham Lincoln offers a striking modern parallel. As a young man, Lincoln stumbled across a copy of Lord Blackstone’s Commentary on the Laws of England while rummaging through a barrel of odds and ends. This discovery ignited a passion for law and justice, ultimately shaping his path to becoming one of America’s greatest presidents. Like Saul’s search for donkeys, Lincoln’s discovery seemed mundane then, but it became a pivotal moment in his life’s journey.

When Saul met Samuel, he was surprised by the prophet’s greeting and puzzled when Samuel told him the donkeys had been found and hinted at a bigger purpose. During a private conversation, Samuel revealed that God had chosen Saul to lead His people (1 Samuel 9:20-21). Saul was taken aback, questioning his worthiness: "Am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel?" (1 Samuel 9:21). His humility and hesitation highlight an essential truth—God often calls those who feel unqualified.

God doesn’t just call the equipped; He equips the called.

On the day of his public coronation, Saul’s anxiety resurfaced, and he hid among the baggage (1 Samuel 10:22). This powerful image is relatable. How often do we hide behind our insecurities or fear of failure? Yet, God’s plans prevailed, and Saul was brought forward and recognized as king. God doesn’t just call the equipped; He equips the called.

Saul's story encourages those navigating seasons of uncertainty or feeling stuck in the ordinary. It challenges us to view our daily tasks and challenges as opportunities for God to work. Are you chasing donkeys today? Perhaps God is using your circumstances to lead you into a greater destiny. The key is to remain faithful in the small things, open to divine interruptions, and willing to step out in faith when the moment comes.

In the end, the story of Saul is a testament to God’s sovereignty and grace. He chooses the unlikely, uses the ordinary, and accomplishes the extraordinary. Remember that nothing is wasted in God’s hands as you go about your everyday life. What may seem routine could be the first step toward discovering your divine purpose. Live your life expecting God to show up!

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